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idea to game
Made possible
Create your own customized game
How it works
Bring forth any creative idea that flashes through your mind. Whether a brief description or a set of keywords, they are the keys to unlock this magical journey. No technical background is needed—just your imagination.
AI Design
AI will suggest design elements such as the game's visual style, interface layout, and narrative interactions based on your creativity. AI will generate multiple design proposals for you to choose from or provide further feedback on, ensuring the final design meets your expectations precisely.
AI Dev
Once the design is confirmed, the AI development phase will commence. In this stage, artificial intelligence will take on the heavy lifting of coding, transforming the design concepts into actual game code.
AI Iteration
After the first playable version of the game is completed, AI can use self-learning or your feedback to improve and optimize the game. Whether adjusting difficulty balance, enhancing user experience, or adding new content, AI can respond quickly, continuously elevating the quality of the game.
AI Testing
During the AI testing phase, artificial intelligence will conduct comprehensive testing of the game. AI can simulate different gaming scenarios, locate and fix issues and bugs, ensuring game stability and fluidity.
Game Delivery
Games that pass testing will be directly run on cloud platforms for players to experience or share. Moreover, AI can also provide subsequent updates and maintenance services as needed, ensuring a continuously optimized gaming experience.
Available tools
AI Creates Character Images
Avatar Studio
Utilizing advanced AI Art technology, anyone can create high-quality, personalized characters without the need for complex drawing skills. This meets the needs of game design, digital art creation, or simply curiosity and the desire to create.
AI Creates Personalized Human Voices
Voice Studio
Sound has the ability to connect hearts and evoke emotions. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing an intuitive, user-friendly platform that enables everyone to effortlessly create, edit, and share customized AI voices. From realistic human voices to fantastical sound effects, your creativity will know no bounds.
AI Generates Game Storylines
Plot Studio
An intuitive, easy-to-use tool that, with just simple commands or prompts, enables AI to provide unique story concepts, plot developments, and character designs. Unleash your creative potential. Bring more fascinating stories and gaming experiences to the world!
AI-Native Interactive Narrative Game Engine
FuHsi Saga Engine
By deeply integrating AI technology, the FuHsi Saga Engine offers a user-friendly, intuitive platform that, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, enables anyone to easily create and experience their unique games, and share this joy with the world. With the assistance of AI, games can dynamically adjust storylines and outcomes in real time based on player decisions and preferences, delivering an exclusive and unparalleled gaming experience to each player.
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